
  • Jacsy Tubalawony Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia Author
  • Sabda Aji Kurniawan Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia Author
  • Nadya Nurlailya Ningsih Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia Author


Digital Marketing Strategy, Customer Loyalty, E-Commerce


This literature research examines various digital marketing strategies that are effective in increasing customer loyalty in the e-commerce sector. This study collects and analyzes previous studies to understand how digital marketing strategies can influence and strengthen the relationship between e-commerce companies and their customers. The various strategies discussed include content personalization, use of social media, loyalty programs, email marketing, marketing automation, and big data analysis. Content personalization allows e-commerce companies to provide a more relevant and engaging experience to each customer, while social media is used to build communities and closer interactions with customers. Loyalty programs and email marketing have proven effective in maintaining customers' ongoing engagement with the brand. Marketing automation facilitates efficiency in managing campaigns and communications, while big data analysis provides critical insights to develop strategies that are more targeted and responsive to customer needs. The results of this literature review show that digital marketing strategies that are prepared holistically and based on in-depth data analysis can significantly increase customer loyalty. By integrating these approaches, e-commerce companies can build strong, long-term relationships with customers, which in turn increases customer retention and business growth. These findings provide a theoretical and practical basis for e-commerce companies in designing and implementing effective digital marketing strategies to increase customer loyalty.


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